Blog-Child Development

The Importance of Wearing Solo Martial Arts Uniforms for Children’s Development
Why are Solo Martial Arts uniforms important for your child’s development? Find out how uniforms can enhance their growth and sense of belonging

Parenting the Shy Child
In a world that highly values the traits of extroverted individuals, shy children are often assumed to have something wrong that needs to be fixed. However, shyness is simply a personality trait that is part of their temperament.

Age-Specific Curriculum – What It Really Means
A children’s martial arts program should be fun and engaging for both the student and the instructor. Creating classes that are truly age-specific is key in making this happen. When this takes place, the martial arts class becomes more of a child development course, which will provide more benefits to the child and will help them learn and retain the actual martial arts material better. When classes are developed this way, they become more powerful, fun, and easier than ever.

Helping Children Develop Teamwork Skills
There are so many areas in life where teamwork is important
By participating in age-appropriate activities that teach teamwork, you will notice your child become a better citizen in social circles , and a better family participant at home

Holiday Mode
Parent Tip:“Holiday mode”During holidays you’ll notice a huge difference in your child’s focus.They naturally shift away from all their responsibilities

Back to School Tips for Parents
Summertime is coming to an end, and with that comes all of the back to school anxiety and jitters that

Kids learn How to Build Confidence Stand Stall And speak with A Clear Voice
Kids learn How to Build Confidence, Stand Stall and Speak with A Clear Voice in our Basic Skills 5 &
The Effect of Low Confidence for Children
The Effects of low confidence for children can effect how they learn. low Signs of low confidence can be seen

A 4D Approach to Online Safety
Children of all ages are spending more and more time on devices. Online schoolwork and staying connected to family members

Running, Hopping, Crawling, Catching… But Where is the Martial Arts?
Up until a decade or so ago, there were no martial arts classes for kids. Martial arts classes were taught
Did You Know- The reason children 3 & 4 Struggle to sit still?
Did you know, the reason 3 & 4 year olds cannot sit still for more than 5 seconds is not

The Importance of Bilateral Coordination on Physical and Cognitive Skills
The development of a child can be one of the most fascinating things to watch unfold. From infants mirroring movements